We have now covered most of the fundamental elements of playing the piano, before actually jumping into the playing itself. As I have said, the physical position when playing the piano is critical, and it can affect the way you play and express yourself via our beloved instrument.
In this article, we will discuss the optimized methods in the piano technique. I’m so excited to finally wrap up the basics of the piano, so let’s get started!

The technique
In the first article, I wrote about finding the middle C keys of the piano. It kind of relates to this section, as you need to select a key to start, and I suggest using one of the C keys.
Remember the correct imaginary ball hand position? Whilst you need to maintain the correct hand posture and the imaginary ball I mentioned in the article last week, you now have to keep your pinky finger, wrist, and elbow in a straight line. Now drop your finger to the C key without hitting it. Keep your wrist free and allow your finger to fall a little to the key. Allow your wrist to return to its original position as you draw your fingers back up. This is a natural movement advisable for every piano beginner, which will allow a smoother, less stiff, and a greater dynamic notation range.

Meanwhile, keep experimenting! Try playing the key hard and hold it, raise your finger slowly and listen to the soft sound of the hammer pulling away from the string. Play it harder and draw your finger quickly from the note, and pay attention to the difference of the sound made.
Other than getting the position right, you need to get to know how your instrument reacts under different circumstances.
It's not difficult to see how longtime pianists, such as myself, regard the piano as a friend, just as it is to get to know a person. In every private piano session, an Ensiklomusika Music School instructor will encourage you to grow closer to your piano! They will be able to teach you the lesson step by step while encouraging you to get the most out of your lesson and form a bond with the piano.

The thumbtack
You are now sitting on the bench of the piano, you have numbered our fingers and the names of the notes. In this article, I have taught you to discover the octaves, play the scale, and find the middle C.
Whilst you can apply the knowledge to play in a major C scale, you need to also get to know that your C major scale consists of eight notes, from C to the C in the next octave. What does this mean for a pianist? It means you need a special technique to push your five fingers to play an eight note sequence fluidly.
The numbering sequence on the right hand is 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Did you notice that between the third and fourth notes of the scale, there is a fingering reset? To do this, you need to master a fingering technique in the piano called the thumbtuck. The method itself can help you play the series of piano fingerings fluently.
What is the first, fundamental step to a thumbtuck? Curl your thumb under your hand to reposition your hand, and continue playing one phrase repeatedly. It may sound simple when I write it out, however, you need to know that the thumbtuck is one of the essential techniques in a pianist’s arsenal. I have to say that it is important to keep it in mind during your private music lesson!
Is there anything else you'd want to know about learning to play the piano? I'm not going to be able to write everything out in a series of posts since certain things can only be seen but not expressed via writing.
Do you know that Ensiklomusika Music School offers a FREE trial lesson for anyone interested in giving it a try? Contact us here after reading this series of articles to find out how to get your free trial class! I can assure you that it will be a music class that will change your life.
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